Table of contents
General information
In the primary school the focus is on mother tongue, mathematics and the first
foreign language, but art, music, physical education, discovery of the world and religion/ethics are also important – as are the “European Hours”, where mixed nationalities meet for a variety of activities.
Primary school equips students with the method to learn
efficiently on their own, stimulating their natural interest in discovering things.
Primary school teaches students:
1. to ask the essential questions and to find the answers themselves and also with the help of current didactic means and teachers.
2. to determine and retain the essential skills and knowledge transmitted in class.
Primary school cultivates the European spirit within students through the mix of nationalities and languages. It also encourages students to use their natural gifts.

Multilingual environment
The art, music, sports classes, and European hours (woodworking, textile, computer science, chess, and strategy games) mix students from all language sections, allowing children, from a young age, to grow in a spirit of cultural and linguistic diversity.
Social and individual development
We approach each child from a holistic perspective to ensure he or she develops individually and socially according to his or her specific needs.
An outstanding learning environment
Our outdoor provision includes the beautiful, green campus and safe, attractive playgrounds, whilst indoors we have well-equipped classrooms with interactive white boards, iPads, laptops and more. Our beautiful, green campus creates an atmosphere of well-being and tranquility and makes a positive impact on the physical and psychological health of the whole school community.
Additional perks beyond the curriculum
Starting from the 2023-2024 school year, our students (from the 3rd grade onwards) are introduced to Dutch classes for one hour per day. Various level groups are planned.
The 'friendship supporters' have the mission of ensuring the well-being of primary school children.
Learning to know one's emotions in order to understand those of others and to respond to their needs without violence. The whole school is working in this direction.
The school is EcoSchool certified, thus committed to an ecological approach that prepares students for the major challenges of tomorrow. We offer students the opportunity to experiment with their learning in a real 'living lab'.
Safe and nurturing environment
that supports each child's active learning in a demanding and stimulating manner.
Personal development
We see every child as an individual, and follow and encourage their personal development.
Tailored method
In our primary school, we draw inspiration from proven pedagogical methods to guide our students towards excellence in the European schools' curriculum. The teachers work as a team, regardless of the language section and the age of the children.
SEN Team
The SEN Team for children with special needs consists of French, English and Finnish (also Swedish speaking) teachers. They are available to give children general support (e.g. after an absence), moderate support (moderate learning difficulties) or intensive support (children with special arrangements, sometimes with an adapted programme). We focus on classroom support to allow children to stay with their year group.
We go on excursions at least twice a year. Each year the excursions are different: The museum of instruments, the children’s museum, the train museum, the Hulotte farm, the museum of natural sciences, Technopolis, Planckendael zoo, the parlementarium, the Waterloo memorial…
We also organise school trips:
- P3 – Green classes.
- P4 – a seaside trip.
- P5 – snow classes.
- P1-P2 – a night on campus.
School uniform
- The purpose of this school uniform policy is to create a cohesive, respectful, and focused learning environment where students can concentrate on their education. The policy encourages students to take pride in their school community.
- A school uniform is required for all primary and secondary school students, following specific styles and colors.
- Specific EEBA clothing will be available for purchase through an online store.
- Further details will be provided soon.
- On Fridays, students may dress casually while adhering to some requirements.