In partnership
with Lycée Molière


General information

Observation cycle (S1-S2-S3)

  • During the first three years, students follow a common program called the “observation cycle.” Most subjects are taught in the mother tongue (L1).
  • All students have the choice of a first foreign language (L2) and a second foreign language (L3).
  • Starting from the second year of secondary school, Latin is mandatory, both from a cultural perspective and to establish grammatical learning.
  • In the third year of secondary school, students study humanities and either religion or ethics in their first foreign language (L2).


Pre orientation cycle (S4-S5)

  • In the fourth and fifth years of secondary school, the mandatory integrated science course is subdivided into three subjects: physics, chemistry, and biology, and students have the choice between a standard mathematics course or an advanced course. Other options include economics, a third foreign language (L IV), and Ancient Greek. Students can also choose courses in art, music, or ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

Last Cycle (S6 – S7)

  • Students in the final cycle can choose between the European Baccalaureate program (S6 and S7) or the two years of the IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program) leading to the International Baccalaureate presentation in English.
  • Each of these diplomas grants access to higher education and universities in Belgium and abroad.

What is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme curriculum?

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is for students aged 16-19. The programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge – students who flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

The Diploma Programme curriculum is made up of six subject groups and three core subjects, comprising theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service and the extended essay.

Through the core subjects, students reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project that often involves community service. For more information, please refer to the IBDP coordinator or the admissions service.


What is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme curriculum?

The European Baccalaureate cycle comprises the last two years of secondary education (S6 and S7) at European Schools and schools accredited by the Higher Council.

The European Baccalaureate cycle consists of a comprehensive multilingual program. Students must always follow a combination of language, humanities, and scientific subjects, taught in more than one language.
The core curriculum includes the following mandatory subjects, some of which can be studied at different levels of complexity: 

  • At least two language courses (the dominant language and another)
  • Mathematics, either 3 periods per week or 5 periods per week.
  • A scientific subject, either Biology with 2 periods per week or any other scientific subject taught at a rate of 4 periods per week: Biology, Chemistry, or Physics.
  • History and Geography, either 2 periods per week or 4 periods per week, which are taught in a language different from the dominant language, in French, English, or German.
  • Philosophy, either the course with 2 periods per week or the course with 4 periods per week.
  • Physical education
  • Ethics or Religion.


Multilingual environment

Students are exposed to multiple languages at once, and learning progresses gradually over the years, eventually culminating in a trilingual or even quadrilingual program.

Academic Support

Different forms and levels of support are offered, aimed at providing appropriate assistance to students facing difficulties and having special educational needs at any point in their academic journey, enabling them to develop and progress according to their potential.

An outstanding learning environment

The castle, school buildings, and outdoor facilities are surrounded by expansive parkland, providing a safe and peaceful environment. Our main building houses three science laboratories and consists of classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards. A library is also accessible to everyone.


Safe and nurturing environment

which supports active learning for each child in a demanding yet stimulating manner.

Personal development

We consider each student as an individual and track and encourage their personal development.

Preparation for higher education

Students have the opportunity to prepare for university entrance exams, whether they are Belgian or foreign, through specialized courses.


The school is EcoSchool certified, which means it actively engages in ecological practices aimed at preparing students for the major challenges of tomorrow. We offer our students the opportunity to experiment with their learning in a real "living lab."



  • At school, we also learn to live together while respecting fundamental values that allow everyone to evolve and grow peacefully.
  • We seek a balance between academic skills and social skills.